Specialised Medical Practice

About The Clinic

Sex Hormone Treatment
Female Menopause
Male "Andropause"
Thyroid Disease
Age related symptoms
Health Screening
Pioneered testosterone treatment for both men and women
Private Clinic:
The clinic is privately run
No affiliation with or subsidised by the Danish National Health Service
Appointments are made directly
Referral not needed
Our unique approach is backed by extensive experience, scientific evidence, and strong doctor-patient relationship
Our Story
Internationally renowned Medical Clinic specializing in hormone replacement treatment for both women and men.
Medical Director:
Specialist Dr. Michael Lützhøft Hansen, MD
Testosterone for Men and Testosterone for Women
Copenhagen Cardiovascular Clinic (CCC) has been a pioneer in testosterone treatment for both men and women and is ranked as one of the most experienced clinics in the world for this work. The success of our treatment lies in our focus on the underlying cause of patient ailments: cardiovascular disease. This enable us to successfully ameliorate disorders such as arteriosclerosis of both the heart and the peripheral vascular system (Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)). Conditions treated also include metabolic syndrome (Syndrome X), menopausal conditions in women, and the loosely defined male "andropause.” Andropause is indicated by a range of symptoms such as lack of energy and initiative as well as signs of erectile dysfunction, which is also associated with the development of cardiovascular disease.
Key Areas of Expertise
Cardiovascular Disease; Circulation; Circulatory System; Atherosclerosis; Female Menopause;
Testosterone Treatment; Andropause; Male Menopause; ED (Erectile Dysfunction); Hormonal Treatment (HRT, TRT); Transgender Treatment; Type II Diabetes; Hypertension; Thyroid; Anti-Aging; Impotence; Sexual dysfunction; Cholesterol; Health Screening; Preventive Medicine; Diet; Quality of life. We provide general health screening as part of our services.
We pride ourselves in giving special individualised attention and care to our patients / clients. First consultations are never limited by time and the patient never leaves the office feeling that the visit was cut short.
Specialist Medical Staff
Headed by Dr. Michael Lützhøft Hansen, the staff is uniquely dedicated and highly specialized. Dr. Hansen serves as a senior consultant in a university hospital and is engaged in the exchange of scientific knowledge and ideas with peer physicians and scientists in Denmark, the UK, Australia, and the USA. Dr. Hansen has been a member of The International Society for the Study of the Aging Male (ISSAM) since its foundation, and is a member of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS), the European Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) and the Andropause Society founded in 2017. Dr. Hansen is past Treasurer of The Society for the Study of Androgen Deficiency (SSAD), London.

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Tel: +45 33 12 23 61