Specialised Medical Practice

Hormone Replacement Therapy
CCC specializes in hormone treatment for both women and men
Hormone-Replacement-Therapy (HRT) or MHT, Menopause Hormone Therapy, uses estrogen and/or estrogen + progestogen treatment of women for menopausal symptoms, whether they be age related or as a result of the surgical removal of the ovaries.
Female menopause is accompanied by a range of common symptoms associated with the dramatic drop in estrogen production:
Hot flashes
Vaginal dryness
Declining sex drive
Sexual discomfort
Sleep disturbance
Fatigue and less energy
"Foggy" brain
Mood changes
Joint pain
Skin problems
Hair loss
Hormone replacement therapy applied in relevant cases is highly efficient for symptom relief.
Ever since the publication in 2002 of a major clinical study (the Women´s Health Initiative, WHI) from the USA, considerable concern has dominated the debate about the relevance of HRT. Over-interpretation and misrepresentation of the findings in the WHI study have resulted in major damage to the health and well-being of menopausal women.
Patients with CCC will be equipped with detailed information based on comprehensive knowledge of all relevant scientific literature. This allows the patient to make her own informed decision regarding whether to adopt HRT.
As a specialized clinic our approach encompasses a broader view of hormone treatment which includes different combinations of female hormones as well as appropriate use of testosterone.
For many years CCC was among the very few medical clinics in the world offering testosterone treatment to men with symptoms of what is referred to as “male menopause” or "andropause." Although imprecisely named, this can be a very real condition for those who experience it. It can be more accurately defined as a symptom complex associated with the metabolic effects of decreased testosterone activity.
Through a series of diagnostic tools CCC offers the best treatment available with regard to testosterone supplementation.
There is still considerable controversy over which symptoms suggest 'male menopause' or 'andropause,' but possible indications of the condition are:
Declining sex drive
Fatigue and less energy
Decline in general sense of well-being
Inability to concentrate
Anger, anxiety, irritability and depression
Hot flushes and night sweats
Weight gain
Sleep problems
Confusion and nervousness
Declining self-confidence and difficulty making decisions
Joint pain
The above symptoms may suggest a condition related to decreased testosterone activity.
The diagnosis, along with any decision to undergo treatment, should only be made after personal consultation and further examination by a physician with extensive knowledge about and experience with testosterone treatment.

Testosterone Deficiency
Symptoms Common
in Both Women & Men:
- Feeling older than your age
- Declining sex drive
- General fatigue
- Irritability, anxiety
- Unexplained depression
- Loss of self esteem
- Joint pain, hot flushes
- Premature age related symptoms
Testosterone – also known as the ”male sex-hormone” –is an essential hormone in both men and women
Patients who meet the criteria for treatment are required to follow a predetermined follow-up program that includes physical examination, interviews, and extensive biochemical analysis
All hormone treatment is preceded by signing of a detailed "Informed Consent" form containing information based on the most up-to-date scientific data
In women especially,
testosterone levels do not correlate with symptom burden. Clinicians should avoid diagnosing female androgen deficiency on the basis of hormonal testing alone

Tel: +45 33 12 23 61